Hard drive size limitations [NEC PC98]

The PC98 has hard drive size limitations and barriers like the old IBM PC. Connecting a hard drive whose capacity exceeds these values causes the system to hang. You can avoid this issue by the HPA command changing its capacity, using MHDD or other softwares.

Size Machine Reason
570MB (544MiB) Shipped out by June 1994 Track = Int(LBA / 17) And 0xFF (Initialize routine in Firmware)
4.56GB (4.25GiB) Shipped out from June 1994 to May 1997 CHS: 65535-8-17 (BIOS)
8.46GB (7.88GiB) Shipped out on May 1997 and later CHS: 1024-256-63 (IDE only)
33.8GB (31.4GiB) Shipped out on May 1997 and later CHS: 65535-16-63 (BIOS)

Source: 第三研究所 企画課:特別企画 第8回 PC-98と HDDの容量制限 http://www.amy.hi-ho.ne.jp/nakajima-jr/kikaku/special8/special8.htm

inserted by FC2 system